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10 Websites Students Cannot Live Without

November 06, 2015 - Posted to Writing

Content 10 websites for

10 Websites Students Cannot Live Without


  1. Post Your Book

If you have gone through one semester of college, you have probably discovered that your campus bookstore is the last place you want to go when you need to buy and sell books. New books cost up to several hundred dollars, books are often out of stock, and if you are lucky enough to find a used copy of a book, it will still be overpriced.  Things become even more frustrating when it is time to sell your books back to your school.Why not skip all of that and use Post Your Book to buy, sell, and trade textbooks.


  1. Buzzfeed.com

Every college student needs a great, time waster website (or two). Buzzfeed has fun videos, quizzes, news, hacks, and interesting articles. The website is divided up into several different categories, making it easy for college students to find just what they are looking for.


  1. RatemyProfessor.com

Let's be honest. Not all college professors are created equally. Some are truly pro student. They work hard to make sure that students understand the material, and they treat students with respect. Sadly, there are other professors who seem to care little about providing an education. Students in these classes are often left to figure things out for themselves, or worse, are the subjective of disdainful treatment. Rate My Professors is a website where students can read reviews of professors and write reviews of their own. Good information to have before scheduling classes.


  1. Mint.com

For many students, the college years are also the first years of financial independence. Many students are, for the first time, navigating checking accounts, bills, pay checks, and credit cards. Mint provides students with the tools they need to schedule payments, track spending, and check their credit scores.


  1. OWL

OWL stands for Online Writing Lab. It is Purdue University's online repository for writing advice. This website features samples, definitions, and advice on virtually any kind of writing a college student might be assigned. Students can learn how to write a research paper, how to cite sources for an annotated bibliography, and the difference between a persuasive and argumentative essay.


  1. Recipepuppy.com

This website is the ultimate solution for students with a case of the munchies, and for students who are too broke to go out to eat. Recipe Puppy will find recipes based on ingredients that students have in their pantries, fridges, and freezers.


  1. Ebay.com

There may be other auction websites, but Ebay remains the most reputable for buying and selling unwanted items. This is a boon for college students who can buy the furniture, electronics, and clothing that they need at reasonable prices. Students can also turn a profit selling items as well.


  1. EvoEssay.Com

We maintain that we are an excellent website for any college student who needs help with writing any academic paper from argumentative essay to literary analysis. We also produce blogs that are full of great information for college students.


  1. TED.com

If you have spent any time enjoying Ted Talk lectures, you should bookmark Ted.com. Then, you will have access to lectures and other interesting content produced by some of the most interesting speakers on the planet.


  1. FAFSA.gov

Keep track of your financial aid applications, award money, and loans by visiting FAFSA.gov on a regular basis. You can also access this website for tons of educational material on the financial aid application process.

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